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Can You Follow Your Dreams While Raising Kids?

If you downloaded the workbook, you know that the first step is determining what you want to do with your life. For some of you, this might be easier than for others. It will almost certainly be easier than it was for me. 

As a child, I dreamed about being an author, but it seemed so far-fetched, that I brushed it aside. I studied for a more reachable career – if you can call criminal psychology ‘reachable.’ What I never could have predicted, was how my life would change once I had kids. My mind no longer wanted to deal with the dark aspects of human nature. I just wanted to be at home with my baby.

But as the days turned into weeks, and the weeks rolled into months, the tediousness and loneliness started to get to me. I no longer felt like the sharp-witted person I used to be. I had morphed into ‘mum’, and lost my identity in the process.

I was grateful that I was able to stay at home and raise my kids. I wouldn’t trade that time for the world. However, a visit from my future self to give me some guidance would have been handy. Alas, several years had to pass before I realised what I should have done, and this is what I want to share with you, now.

How to Figure Out Your Next Steps

  1. Don’t be naive like I was. Time will pass. Kids will grow and they will no longer be completely dependent on you for every single thing. This is the time to really and figure out what you want. 
  2. Think about what makes you happy and write that dream down in your workbook. 
  3. Don’t let the fear of the unknown interfere with what you write. 
  4. Do you have the qualifications or experience necessary to reach your goal? If you do, you don’t really need me anymore. If you don’t, go to step 5.
  5. The internet is your friend. Find out what qualifications you need, and start learning.

Simple, Right?

Did you notice that I didn’t use the word ‘easy’?

One of the main reasons why this blog focuses on mums, is because mums tend to experience setbacks like no one else. The constant interruptions, guilt, exhaustion, the neverending drain on their mental and physical wellbeing… (I do realise I’m generalising here. A stay-at-home dad or a full-time child carer will have similar challenges).

In the coming weeks, I will tackle everything outlined in the workbook, including the issues of time, fear, and mindset. 


For now, you only have one job: Think about what dreams you want to follow. Find your spark. What will make you push yourself, make sacrifices, and happily wake up early in the morning? Please, don’t say ‘winning the lottery.’ This is something no one has any control over. It has to be a goal you are willing to work towards. For some of you, this will come easily. Others have to put more thought into it. I know you might not have time to sit down and think, but the beauty of thinking is that you can do it while you’re busy doing other stuff. 

Have you figured out what you’d like to do? Feel free to write it down in the comments. Too shy to do it that way? Send me a private message. I know what it’s like to be laughed at for your unusual dreams. I promise you, I won’t laugh at yours. 

See you on Saturday!

Amanda x

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Post Author


Children’s author Amanda Kidd is a relentless dream chaser. In the last 4 years, she has moved countries twice, and started her own publishing business. Now, she leads an international team of talented women who come together to produce quality picture books for children, audiobooks, songs, as well as lesson plans for teachers. ‘The world would be a better place if more people were happy and fulfilled.’ — Amanda Kidd.

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